Ever wanted to copy a hidden anchor in a page and had trouble finding it? Use this tool to reveal hidden anchors in webpages. TO USE: Right click an open webpage, and chose 'Show Anchors'. A small icon will appear next to the location of each hidden anchor in your current page. Simply click the anchor icon to copy the direct link to your clipboard. SHORTCUTS: - Ctrl+Shift+A will toggle anchors on the current tab. - Alternatively, pressing the 'Esc' button will hide the anchor icons on the current tab if they are visible. CHANGELOG: Version 1.8 - Squashed a bug that caused the Show Anchors icon to function improperly when hovering/clicking-to-copy. Version 1.7 - Added ability to see any element with an 'id' attribute, not just specifically anchor html elements, as was the case in previous versions Version 1.6 - Fixed issues with the context menu after Chrome update Version 1.4 - Anchors are kept inline to prevent the page from scrolling when exposing anchors. Hovering over them brings them to the front to easily copy the link to the clipboard. PERMISSIONS: Show Anchors requires access to data on all websites solely for the purpose of adding the icon to the page. No personal or browsing information is stored by this extension.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Show Anchors Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Show Anchors Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Link Finder
Displays anchors for all content in the current web page without breaking the layout.
Monitoring of Hidden inputs
See all Hidden Fields on the Page!
Analyses the links in a page
Identify and enable hidden form input elements.
This extension shows information about HTML elements on a web page when you hover over them.