An extension to help you notice notable forks of GitHub projects. Sometimes on GitHub, projects are abandoned by the original authors and the development continues on a fork. However, the original repository is often not updated to let new-comers see that. I have many times wasted effort on making a pull-request or installing old buggy versions of projects when the community had already moved to a fork. To make matters worse, the old projects usually have higher search-engine traffic and a lot more stars than the forks. This makes the forks even harder to find. This extension tries to remedy that by adding a subscript under the name of the repository on the Github page of all projects with a link to the most notable fork (i.e. the fork with the most stars), if such a fork exists.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Lovely forks Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Lovely forks Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Opens the corresponding repository from a GitHub Page
Twitter handles for GitHub
Simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
Syntax Highlighting mini-editor for
Show Contributor Stats on Github
OctoLinker – Links together, what belongs together.