Extends magnet links with a button that enables quick adding of torrents to Transmission via the RPC API. Allows the addition of custom HTML both before and after the button element based on a search of a websites URL, as well as adjustment of the div float on the button HTML.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Magnet linker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Magnet linker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Adds checkboxes to search results on TorrentDay, allowing for batch download of torrent files
Find magnet and torrent links in a page much easier and safer.
A chrome extension helps you add magnet link to Transmission Server.
Chrome context menu to add magnet/torrent links to Transmission.
One click to send magnet links and .torrent to your Transmission server
Adds magnet links to torrent files on Torrentz.
Easily download torrents via transmission client from your browser