Simply press Alt+Z* to summon the magnifying glass! Then press any key to remove it. *Ctrl+Z for MAC users by default. The extension does not require any special permission. It just works~*** ***Please note that the extension does not work in New Tab page, Chrome setting page and Chrome Web Store by default, but it will work on any other webpages.*** v.1.0.2 Change-log + Added option to specify a compensation factor for OS-level magnification + Added option to close the magnifier scope only when ESC key is pressed v.1.0.1 Change-log + Added French and Chinese localizations + Enabled anti-aliasing by default + Other minor optimization Icons made by Vectors Market from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Magnifying Glass Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Magnifying Glass Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Zoom in or out on web content using the zoom button and mouse scroll wheel for more comfortable reading. That to each percent value.
FREE! The magnifying glass displays the zoomed area on the web page, making the selected area visible in detail.
Zoom in and out on images and videos using shift + mouse wheel and by other ways.
Hoverable - automatically enlarge photo links.
Customizable zoom increment.
Zooming in on websites. Doubleclick on any element on this page to zoom in and doubleclick again, or use ESC, to zoom out.