Material Design Palette is an easy-to-use extension where you select a HTML element or type in a CSS/jQuery selector and you can change, in real time, its text, background and border color using its embedded material design colors (palette). After some changes, you can just copy the generated CSS code and save on your HTML page. It is intended to make HTML elements color changing fast and easy.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Material Design Palette Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Material Design Palette Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Extract a palette from your webpage!
Find the most commonly used colors on any site! Creates a palette of HEX and RGBA values.
No-nonsense palette for Google's Material Design Colors
CSS Color Names Reference
HEX value of Material colors and CSS of Material shadows at your fingertips.
Guia de Cores Flat
Color a website by dragging and dropping a color droplet from a palette.
This is a theme inspired by Material Theme for sublime text, that brings the Material Design visual language to your Chrome…
Advanced colors palette with color conversion for RGB and HEX