AB Testing Tracking Tool Chrome Extension AB Testing Tracking Tool chrome extension AB Testing Tracking Tool for Chrome Download

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  • ['', '300 S Orange Ave Suite 1000 Orlando, FL 32801 US', 'True', 'analytics', 'Dan McGaw', ''] AB Testing Tracking Tool chrome extension is This extension allows you to calculate the statistical significance & conversion rate of your A/B tests..
 Our Statistical Significance Calculator features:
- Color coded bar to show Statistical Significance
- Split test calculator
- AB Test Calculator
- Direct comparison of conversion results.
- Ability to calculate significance of ab tests anywhere and with any tool

You may be asking yourself, what is ab testing? Or even, why do I need to calculate it?

Well, lets makes this easy for you. AB testing is one of the cornerstones to digital marketing, it is when you test two version of your site, email, ppc or other mediums against each other to see which one win. That said, when you run one of these comparative tests, you need to make sure you have a calculate statistical significance.

See this great video to better understand ab testing:

How do we calculate statistical significance? We use a probability calculator based on statistics which will help us know if one test has enough volume and distribution to have a higher probability of being the correct outcome. If you do not measure the level of significance, you may launch a split test winner to production and find out that the results were not good. 

Tools like Visual Website Optimizer, Optimizely and other ab testing tools have their own built in ab test calculators, but we do not trust/recommend these. You need to be measuring your AB tests in your analytics tools and calculating statistical significance of of that data. This will give you the best test of significance. Once we have run our statistical significance test we can verify if we have a real winner or not.

With our tool you can calculate statistical significance right in your Chrome browser. You can use this for email ab testing, website ab testing, mobile app ab testing, ppc ab testing and just about any testing period.

Calculating the significance of AB test results is always a hassle. Some analytics tools attempt to tell you when significance has been reached, and others simply pretend it doesn’t matter. Using the Statistical Significance and AB Test Calculator you’ll be able to quickly determine whether your test results are significant - all from a simple chrome extension. Stop opening new tabs and searching for statistical significance calculators that are hard to use and harder to understand.

Have any questions or feedback? Let us know by emailing Conversion Calculate Conversion Rates

How to install AB Testing Tracking Tool chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the AB Testing Tracking Tool Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore or download the extension AB Testing Tracking Tool Chrome Extension Download from
  • Step 2: Now search for the AB Testing Tracking Tool in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the AB Testing Tracking Tool Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the AB Testing Tracking Tool extension for your Chrome Web browser . AB Testing Tracking Tool Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to AB Testing Tracking Tool Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the AB Testing Tracking Tool Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download AB Testing Tracking Tool chrome extension (CRX)

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