Unofficial chrome extension for showing more subtitles at The code is largely inspired by chrome-subtitles and subber, but more minimal and targeted toward use at It is commented and open-source, too. More most-like. In early versions, only Korean was supported, but it is now possible to view as many languages as you want! In the options page, simply add more blocks, for example `.most-de { bottom: -100px; height: 100px; }` for German subtitles just below the player. Visit to fork, contribute, report bugs and request features!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the MoST Subtitles Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the MoST Subtitles Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Load subtitle to a HTML5 video.
Add subtitles from internet as VTT tracks to HTML5 video element on the page
Direct download videos or view them online with SRT subtitles loaded from your local computer. No external apps required!
Add captions to any video or movie on Netflix, Youtube or other platforms.
Subtitles Translator for Popular Video-Streaming Services
Add Subtitles To Streaming Movies And Series
Simple plugin that adds subtitles to movies and series you watch.
Video Subtitle Google Translate for Popular Website Like Lynda, LinkedIn, etc
Show subroutines synced to HTML5 video
Improve your language skills by watching TV shows and movies.