SubLime allows you to overlay SRT subtitles over an HTML5 video element on a web page. Tested with YouTube, Netflix and vimeo (if HTML5 video is used instead of flash video). Sync can be adjusted in a number of ways, and if desired, the re-synced subtitles can be exported to a new file. For more info, see:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the SubLime Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the SubLime Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Assign a text track to a video element in a web page
Load subtitle to a HTML5 video.
This extension adds a sublime-like ctrl-p to quickly switch beteen tables, bookmarks and history
Add subtitles from internet as VTT tracks to HTML5 video element on the page
Watch your favorite movies and shows online with subtitles.
Direct download videos or view them online with SRT subtitles loaded from your local computer. No external apps required!
Unofficial chrome extension for showing more subtitles at The code is largely inspired by chrome-subtitles and subber,…
Add Subtitles To Streaming Movies And Series
Simple plugin that adds subtitles to movies and series you watch.
Video Subtitle Google Translate for Popular Website Like Lynda, LinkedIn, etc