If you need to, or just wish to know how much time you dedicate to a specific activity, you may want to keep yourself on the clock. Keeping track of multiple activities can quickly become a nightmare. Fortunately for you, you have just found the tool youve always wished for (sort of:) Key features: • Multiple timers, with multiple checkpoints. • Easy to modify and adjust. • The timers are persisent. Even if you close your browser they will be still waiting for you. • Timers can be exported to and imported from a file. • Keyboard shortcuts. This extension was initially meant to be used to track time on different projects while freelancing. We are actually surprised by how useful it has turned out to be, so we have decided to share it. Since we eat our own dog food, any suggestions and feedbacks will be greatly appreciated :)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the MultiTimer ZN Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the MultiTimer ZN Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Countdown & countup timer, with simple interface and ability to run multiple timers.
A powerful alarm extension that supports multiple timers and stopwatches with five to ten-minute snooze.
A clean, simple countown timer with visual and audible alarm.
Helps to become organized. Counts down time up to 999 minutes. Both online and offline. Simple and straightforward design.
Track Personal or Employee productivity, manage projects, track billable hours, reporting, 100% FREE! No nag screen or ads!
A time management stopwatch that allows you to track time for multiple items at once.
Work-Time - It's just the timer of your working time.
A supercool timer app
This simple timer tells you when your time is up.
Simple timer that shows a popup when time is up.