Super timer allows you to track your time. Create a timer, name it and youre good to go. Best of it: - Its free - It works offline - You can close chrome and the timer keeps running in the background! Recent updates: - Is now working with current chrome versions again! - Added howto video Todos: - Implement a confirmation for deleting timers - Connect to extern time tracking services like Basecamp
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Super timer Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Super timer Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Pomodoro Technique timer for minimalists.
Helps to become organized. Counts down time up to 999 minutes. Both online and offline. Simple and straightforward design.
This multi timer will allow you to keep track of the time you spend on different activities.
The most simple countdown timer ever
A supercool countdown app. Don't let your pizza burn!
Run multiple timers in a single browser tab
A time management stopwatch that allows you to track time for multiple items at once.
Simple count down timer - by govindpatel(
Alarm clock, timer, and countdown with sound and desktop notification.
Stylish timer combined with stopwatch and alarm for your browser.