Simplified Chinese <-> Traditional Chinese Website Converter Automatically convert a simplified Chinese webpage to traditional Chinese page, or convert a traditional Chinese webpage to simplified Chinese page. 中文网页繁简自动转换 - 中文網頁繁簡自動轉換 Developer Website:
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Making Chinese Look Better by Turning Off Per-Script Font in Chinese Locales
Currently the best Chinese popup dictionary. More features. Frequently updated.
A Chrome extension to convert Chinese text between Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters.
Great tool for learning Chinese. Includes links to Chinese Grammar Wiki. Supports adding words to Skritter.
creadr is a tool designed to help Chinese learners with reading web content
Useful Chinese learning tools, can be used to convert text into Pinyin/Zhuyin, Trad./Simp. version, or generate vocabulary list
Fast Chinese-English dictionary search! Look up Mandarin Chinese words using Hanzi characters, Pinyin, or English.