As of Chrome 18, fonts are determined by writing scripts -- specifically, according to the `lang` attributes of elements. For example, zh-cn and zh-tw will be rendered with different fonts because theyre different scripts. In addition, the selected font will be applied on Latin characters, and usually, Latin characters in Chinese fonts are really ugly. This extension turns off per-script font in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, and have your operating system determine which font to use. You need Chrome 22 or above to install this extension. If you have 21 or less, please visit and download versions for Chrome 21 and 20. It does not auto-update, so once it doesnt work anymore, that means your Chrome has upgraded to version 22, then you can uninstall it, and install again from Web Store.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the No Per-Script Font! Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the No Per-Script Font! Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Immersion-reading mode of Chrome extensions, similar to Safari read mode.
Minimalistic's chrome new tab page extension, hope every time open, you have a good mood.
将页面的中文字体替换为更美观的微软雅黑字体,部分英文替换为效果较好的Segoe UI,by Longhore
The easiest font setting extension.
Force the use of custom fonts for web pages. If you are professional in using CSS, the extension 'Stylish' is suggested.
讓網頁配色更適合眼睛閱讀 提供多種配色組合供參考
Font Rendering Enhancer for Chrome. Darker and clearer text on the pages (http and https).
Use WenQuanYi Micro Hei / Microsoft Yahei Chinese Font for all site
Force the use of “Microsoft YaHei” font for CJK text (though Chinese/Japanese/Korean text is not very useful for foreign users).