Palette Creator Chrome Extension

Palette Creator chrome extension

Palette Creator for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    100K +
  • Reviewed by :
    61 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
  • ['', 'Walter Garcia']
Palette Creator chrome extension is Creates a color palette from any image. Just right-click on the image and select the “Palette Creator” option..
 Create a color palette from any image. Just right-click on the image and select the 'Palette Creator' option.

Do you want to create a color palette that matches an image from your website? Maybe you just want to grab some colors for inspiration? Then this extension is for you! Palette Creator allows you to make a color pallet from any image or picture for further using in the creation. 

Usually you perform several searches until finally, youd found required color. Plus! no needs navigating to a ton of different sites for content.

-Generate palette from images.
-Download result in .GPL

Choose the number of palette colors you want to create.

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How to install Palette Creator chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Palette Creator Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore or download the extension Palette Creator Chrome Extension Download from
  • Step 2: Now search for the Palette Creator in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the Palette Creator Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the Palette Creator extension for your Chrome Web browser .

Palette Creator Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to Palette Creator Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the Palette Creator Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download Palette Creator chrome extension (CRX)

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