You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the PCT Manager Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the PCT Manager Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Beat porn once and for all. Redirect your temptations to wholesome and healthy outlets.
Blocksi is the #1 rated extension for Web & Youtube Filtering, Time Management and trend analysis for Chrome and Chromebooks.
Transforms Youtube's broken feed subscription page and restore it to it's former grid glory.
Free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block 'not safe for work' content.
Porn blocker for Chrome. Can block over 2 Mn porn websites. Can also block sites as per your preferences.
Displays the number of days since a given date in the toolbar. Right click icon->Options to change date.
The most powerful adult porn websites blocker. Enjoy the beauty of the clean internet without worries.
Intelligently blocks adult/pornographic content by applying artificial intelligence to analyze images on every page
Sometimes you browse reddit at work. We get it... we do it too. But randomly clicking a NSFW post isn't worth getting fired over...
A habit tracker that sits inside your browser.