PennCoursePlus improves the search results on Penn InTouch. Reviews from are presented next to the course listings, and users can now easily sort the search results. New in 0.2.2 ========= - Fix various bugs in scheduler and re-fix 'associated recitations' bug. New in 0.2.0 ========= -Big new update! Add interactive scheduler feature to launch from Course Search or Mock Schedules. Takes courses from Course Cart and allows you to interactively schedule in a new window so you dont have to deal with inTouch not allowing multiple windows! New in 0.0.24 =========== - Server updated, new features coming soon New in 0.0.23 =========== - Now 'associated recitations' will display correctly New in 0.0.22 ============ - No more 'insecure content' warnings. Fetch courses with ease! - More speed improvements New in 0.0.21 =========== - View Grades page bug has been fixed New in 0.0.20 ============== - Sorting has been restored - More speed improvements New in 0.0.10 ============= - Huge boost in performance! Running ***sooo*** much faster. Now with professor ratings included. - Sorting is broken again, sorry! - fixed duplicate professor naming ratings - better handle when classes dont have ratings provided
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the PennCoursePlus Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the PennCoursePlus Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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