Introducing our QR Code Generator, the ultimate tool for effortlessly shortening URLs and transforming them into QR codes. With a blend of Bitlys efficiency and the simplicity of short links, this tool is your quick solution to creating and sharing QR codes using Imgur. Simply right-click, and within moments, your content is ready in QR form, as a short URL online, or shared via Imgur. We aim to be the best in the world of QR extensions, so your feedback is invaluable. If you encounter any bugs, have feature suggestions, or just want to share your thoughts, dont hesitate to drop us a review or comment. Your insights drive our improvements.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the QR Code Generator Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the QR Code Generator Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A super handy QR Code Generator / Creator for you.
FREE Simple QR Code Reader which works for both Camera and Image files. No Internet needed.
Allows to generate a QR Code for the current page and scan a QR Code using the webcam.
Generate and Scan QR Code.
a multiple QR- and bar-code scanner that supports scanning from webcam and local images
A chrome extension for reading QR code from webpage.
Lector codigo Qr esta desarrollado para leer las imagenes Qr
Full-featured QR Code Extension(The Quick QR Code): QR code generation, camera decoding, screenshot decoding, picture decoding, etc.
Generate QR Code from the url of current page, link or selected text. And decode QR Code in image.
Creates QR Codes from open pages, URLs, images, links and selected text.