SAPpack is a password manager for SAP Consultants. This chrome extension extends SAPpack Desktop with support for Citrix and other web applications, like SAP Portal, Web dynpro, BSP, SAPUI5. SAPpack desktop is released in beta. Signup on, if you want to get involved in the Beta test SAPpack Desktop is a prerequisite for for this application.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the SAPpack Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the SAPpack Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
For the starry–eyed Fiori Developer
Detects SAP UI5 and OpenUI5 apps as you browse.
SAP UI5 and OpenUI5 development tools
Provides an easy way to search/download SAP Notes, use SAP xSearch, SAP SCN Search and rz10 search.
With the UI5 Inspector, you can easily debug and support your OpenUI5 or SAPUI5-based apps.
Send HTML links and webpages directly to the Internet Explorer browser without copy and paste!
Open HackerNotes page of a Github Repository.
Adds Correction instruction highlighting to SAP Notes
The all-in-one extension for university students.
Quickly launch SAP Support to view or search for notes