A simple extension to help you download and save the URL to a file on your local drive. It behaves like Save As... or Save link as... context menu item for any URL entered in the dialog box. Switch for bottom downloading bar added in version 1.1
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Save As File Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Save As File Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Download the URL file of the current page.
Save highlighted text to a file on your computer.
Saves the current web page as one file with all external dependencies (style, script, images) downloaded and inlined
Offers the ability to save tab(s) and bookmarks as Internet shortcut files.
An extension to save the links of all all open tabs to read later
Save offline copy of current tab as MHTML file. Keyboard Command Alt+S.
Save for tabs for later reading
Save and Load currectly opened sites
Select whatever you want to save as pdf, word, excel or email it directly