Save text from a web page to a file anywhere on your computer. Highlight some text, right-click and select 'Save Text to File'. Text will be saved to a new file or else appended to an existing file, depending on option selections. Features: - Specify any directory to save files on your computer - Add date of timestamp to saved file name - Various date formats to choose from - Save current URL, page title in file - Optional directory selection dialog on save Full install instructions: Please donate to support development: Paypal: Open source: Released under GNU GPL v3 license ..
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Save Text to File Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Save Text to File Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Using notepad to save your stuff when browsing? Well, now, you can save your texts when using Google Chrome!
Copy the text of a link and its hyperlink as one.
Pops up the user menu with useful tools (copy, search, translation, highlight, etc.) when the text is selected with the mouse.
Provides a simple text field on click.
Extension management is easier with Extensioner.
An extension to save the links of all all open tabs to read later
Paste and store multiple text lines and be able to copy to clipboard when needed. Text is synced across browser windows and devices
Save URL as file instead of open it
Click And Note - simple notepad and vault, tool for quickly saving notes, link and text on web pages
Select whatever you want to save as pdf, word, excel or email it directly