Just published new feature BIG EYE. If you are on detail/Edit page of any record in Salesforce, you can have a look on all the fields values of that record, without needing to add field on page layout. --------------------------------------- SFDC MagicToolkit provides simple elegant way of resolving day-to-day problems related to salesforce. Toolkit support below functionality currently. 1. Generates Package.xml out of inbound/outbound Change sets in SFDC. 2. Export of Test coverage report. 3. Quick navigation to User detail page, by skipping chatter profile pages. 4. Allows Data Export from SFDC Developer console. 5. Mass FLS update from New profile edit page. Just install and you are ready. For any kind of issue/suggestion please write to me. I will be happy to solve/implement new functionality.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the SFDC Magic Toolkit Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the SFDC Magic Toolkit Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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