You can add minimalistic features to Chatwork by installing it. List of minimalist features that can be used - Adjusting the size of the room list - Font change function - Template registration function (enables you to register a fixed-format message, etc.) - syntax highlighting - Hide Avatar - Extend the right column and so on Get a better handle on Chatwork with Slim Chatwork! Slim Chatwork is a third party Chrome extension that is not affiliated with Chatwork, Inc. Slim Chatwork is a third party Chrome extension that is not related to Chatwork Corporation.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Slim Chatwork Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Slim Chatwork Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Screenshot websites, save images, share instantly.
Create tabs from clipboard URL list
Save and restore groups of calendars selected
This extension show alt and meta.
Extension to integrate Google Calendar with Acall
チャットワーク(chatwork)に全て既読ボタンとメッセージエリアで幾つかのショートカット機能を追加するプラグインです。 マウスに手を移動しなくても様々な操作が可能になるのでより効率よくコミュニケーション出来ます 詳しい使い方はこちら…