Pasty is a very simple multiple URL opener. ================================ ================================ Please copy the URL list above and then click/touch the Pasty icon. No need to paste, just click the icon. Changelog: v1.8 - Remove the options page. v1.7 - Reimplement. v1.6 - Manifest v3. v1.5 - Update manifest. v1.4 - Automatic paste with clipboardRead permission. v1.3 - Remove 'tabs' permission. - Remove background page. - 'ttp://' and 'ttps://' support. v1.2 - Textarea resizer disabled / etc. v1.1 - New url finder. v1.0 - Initial release. Sourcecode: I do not sell this extension to anyone. Please do not email me for such purposes.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Pasty Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Pasty Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Links of all tabs is made.
Copy tabs URL to clipboard (formats : text, HTML, JSON or custom). Paste to open multiple URL at one go.
Lets you open, copy or bookmark multiple links at the same time.
This extension show alt and meta.
Tool for checking HTML difference between tabs ,or between production and development environment.
Add text decoration icons to ChatWork.
Check the HTML for error. This doesn't send the source to the external. If web page behavior is not correct, you should turn off it.