Additional features like add a link, image, video and applying template. And a advanced pack of lovely smileys to bring your emotions alive on Desidime.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Smiley Pack for DesiDime Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Smiley Pack for DesiDime Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Missing your mobile phone emojis? Insert your favourite emoji to popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more.
Bring all emojis to use on sites by the easiest ways with various styles of multiple platforms
Click on any emoji to Copy it instantly. Now Paste it anywhere.
Cool Symbols, Emojis, and Smileys
Free addon for Facebook users which converts all general smiley codes into graphical emoticons like the ones on Yahoo! Messenger.
custom emoticons on facebook
This extension adds the Dota 2 emoticons into the NeoGAF reply box.
A chrome extension to autosuggest emojis while writing on the web.
Library of emoticons