★ i2Symbol is your source of free Symbols, Smileys, Emoticons, Emojis and much more.! ★ i2Symbol utilizes an online service http://www.i2symbol.com ★ Features ★ 1. Huge collection of text symbols, emoticons, and Emoji stickers 2. Draw with emoji brush and make cool graphics 3. Add text to pictures and photos and make fancy postcards 4. Apply effects, frames, and filters to your photos and share with friends 5. Apply cool effects to your text and make fancy status update 6. Export your text as image 7. International onscreen keyboard ★ Spread the Love ★ If you like i2Symbol, please be sure to: + Give it 5 Stars below and +1 it above! + LIKE it on Facebook: http://fb.com/i2symbol ★ i2Symbol is a product by sciweavers.org ヽ(^o^)ノ spread the word and share with friends... http://twitter.com/i2symbol http://facebook.com/i2symbol
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Notification Center provides an overview of alerts for Facebook (TM): Notifications, Messenger, Groups and Events
See and input emoji in Chatter!
Use your favorite colored text and fonts on websites such as Facebook, Google+ or Twitter!
Make voice notes and comments on any site!
Emoji dropdown panel for twitter.com
Additional features and a advanced pack of lovely smileys to bring your emotions alive on Desidime.
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Click on a symbol to copy it.
Emojify is an extension that let's you view and input Emojis in chrome on webpages! How to enter emojis: Click Emojify's button in…
A humongous library of excellent text-based emojis just a click away.