Download Smooth Japanese fontization chrome extension. Replace with smooth Japanese font. Improve the visibility of the font. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Smooth Japanese fontization Crx download for Chrome it is also called Smooth Japanese fontization offline CRX for chrome Download. This Smooth Japanese fontization is used to Replace with smooth Japanese font. Improve the visibility of the font.
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This extension shows the headlines of the video entirely without hiding them partially, as by default.
Font Rendering Enhancer for Chrome. Darker and clearer text on the pages (http and https).
A browser Extension for auto loading paginated web pages. AutoPagerize use in many web site, and provide efficiently web browsing.の商品ページのレビューの右にサクラチェッカー(へのリンクを埋め込みます
MSゴシック系フォントやArial Unicode MS等、読みにくいフォントをメイリオで置き換えて表示します。
Hover, preview
ウェブページ上の読みづらいフォントを、読みやすい Noto Sans に置き換えます。