This is not an official Steam/Valve product. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Most people are aware that Steam games have different prices for different regions. Steam All Region Price Checker is a Chrome Extension that enables you to instantly compare prices for a Steam game across most regions simultaneously without having to leave the current page. Using the Chrome Extension is as easy as pie. Simply install the extension and it will take care of the rest. Alternatively you can manually use it for: 1. Current Page: Visit any Steam game url and right click somewhere blank on the page and click 'Look up current page'. 2. Target URL: Right click on any hyperlink directed towards a steam game and click 'Look up prices for...' For more information, support and to see the most popular searches view the website here: ~~~Latest Update~~~ - Now works over HTTPS
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Steam All Region Price Checker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Steam All Region Price Checker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Improving Steam. Items auto-selling. Lowest prices for games and items. Prices from different sources. And a lot more
Does various things to assist with making Steam profile artwork.
Augments your Steam Experience
Easily Search for cheaper prices on GOG, Amazon, Gamestop, Green Man Gaming, and GamersGate. Save Money. Save time.
Show Steam app details with mouse hover on a Steam link
Automatically check bans of people you recently played with, your friends, and group members.
Provides a more useful Steam Market History, allowing you to search, sort, highlight, track earnings, and customize
Adds SteamDB links and new features on the Steam store and community. View lowest game prices and stats.
Steam Search. Start writing 'steam' and the game you are searching. You can also filter by OS. Extension created by Ale Mohamad.
Skip the steam redirect page when clicking external links within steam chat