No more scrolling around readmes and wikis looking for specific information. Find what you are looking for, quickly. Works almost anywhere, not just readmes. - Repos, gists, and wikis - Any GitHub markup - Edit and create files and wiki pages right on GitHub - Simple and unobtrusive -- Also available for Firefox and Safari. For more info and source code:
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Gives you approximate count of lines of code on GitHub
A WYSIWYG rich-text editor for GitHub issues, comments and pull requests. Powered by CKEditor.
Open GitHub repositories in online web IDE
Simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
Add links to GitHub threads and shortcuts to your Gmail interface.
Adds code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, and other hosts: hovers, definitions, references. For 20+ languages.
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Zenhub – Project Management Inside GitHub
Automatically adds repository size to GitHub's repository summary