Html Chrome Extensions
Total html plugins - 57
HTML Tree Generator
Html is really a tree of elements, css is what defines the layout. This extension displays any page as a tree.
HTML Error Checker
Check the HTML for error. This doesn't send the source to the external. If web page behavior is not correct, you should turn off it.
HTML Editor
A Reactive Editor for HTML5 Creations and Experiments
Provides switches to enable and disable CSS, Javascript, Images, Cookies and Popups.
HTML Viewer
Opens and shows HTML files inside Google Drive
HTML Diff Check Tool
Tool for checking HTML difference between tabs ,or between production and development environment.
PageRip (HTML + CSS Extract)
Rip HTML + CSS snippets from any element on any web page with an element selector. Convert full webpages to single file HTML and JSX
HTML Editor for Drive
HTML WYSIWYG editor that provides you with an extended designing workspace to help you create your web pages(HTML,HTM) easily.
Html Scan
Scan and copy text, html markup on any websites
HTML DOM Navigation
HTML DOM Navigation lets you view the node tree in a simple and easy way. IRB would be really useful for Watir automation.
Coding HTML
This Application can be used to preview your HTML code as u write the code
This extension is to inspect the HTML source of a website and to display SEO relevant information.
HTML To PDF With Google Drive
View HTML file directly in browser. Get a HTML text and generate a PDF file to make it printer-friendly. Convert raw HTML to PDF.
HTML to React
The fastest and smartest way to analyze HTML elements and generate full React component representations.
This extensions displays some technical and structural performance data of websites.