This extensions provides a control panel to disable and enable browser settings like CSS, Javascript, Images, Cookies and Popups. Just click the icon and the control panel will show up. You will see simple on/off switches to turn on and turn off the settings. So you can easily check how your website works without Javascript or without any images loaded. You also can check your websites behavior, if a user has blocked your cookies or popups. You want to see your website without any CSS applied to it? No problem, just disable CSS in the control panel.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the disable-HTML Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the disable-HTML Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A quick and easy way to add custom CSS to the current web site.
This extension blocks CSS, which is ugly and slows the internet down,
Browse the web without distractions via simple text based pages.
View source is dead. See how the browser renders a page, not just what the server sends.
A simple CSS property viewer.
Removes unused selectors from all stylesheets on a page and combines the result into a single stylesheet that can be downloaded
Quick way to enable/disable Javascript
This extension is to inspect the HTML source of a website and to display SEO relevant information.
This extensions displays some technical and structural performance data of websites.
Blocks desired HTML contents (script, style, image, object, media)