HTML Diff Check Tool is chrome addon for checking difference between tabs or between Production and Development. You can check HTML diff with other tab. You can open the URL of production and development server each other with pre-register pairs of those URLs. Also, you can check HTML diff of them. [usecase] - To check the difference between a testing and production environment before/after deployment. - When your co-worker asks you to check a testing environment which he/she updated. [How to use] 1. In the settings register the combination of a testing and production environment domain (including a subdomain). 2. Turn on the 'balance scale' icon or select from context menu at the web page where you want to check a testing or production environment. 3. Click the 'open' button then a testing or production environment domain will be opened. 4. Click the 'diff' button so you can check the difference between the HTML sources. [about privacy] - Traffic data of the application is analyzed via GoogleAnalytics. - The registered domains, URLs or HTML sources are not sent to third parties. [release note] -v.2.2.0 Add to context menus. -v.2.0.0 Add function for checking diff with other tab. -v.1.6.0 Add a comment box (Google form) Link -v.1.5.0 Change UI design a little. -v.1.4.0 Change Wrap Lines Function is added. ShortCutKey is also added. Alt + Down (Go to next diff) / Alt + Up (Go to prev diff) / Alt + w (Change Wrap Lines) Bug fix. -v.1.3.0 Nex/Prev Diff and Search Functions are added. -v.1.2.0 -v.1.1.0 bug fix -v.1.0.0 Add alert when it could not access to target url. -v.0.2.0 You can also use in incognito mode. Fix bug and strings. - v.0.1.11 You can also check HTML diff include JavaScript rendered HTML. Change option for that, if you need.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the HTML Diff Check Tool Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the HTML Diff Check Tool Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Provide right-click menu to manually set character encoding for web pages.
Link checking using XHR.
To pages in one tab
Easily switches a website between development and production webservers
Create tabs from clipboard URL list
This extension show alt and meta.
Split the page being viewed into two. In the case of a responsive site, it will become possible to check the smart phone and the PC…
As you make CSS changes in the DevTools inspector window this will track your changes and provide you with a nicely formatted diff