Do you ever bookmark hundreds of links but only need them for a period of time (eg. useful websites for paper due in one week, shopping links you probably wont remember after one day)? Temporary bookmarks can help. This extension behaves exactly like Chromes default bookmark except each bookmark has a lifespan (ranging from 1 to 365 days). After the lifespan has passed, it automatically deletes itself. If you wish to delete bookmarks manually, feel free by clicking on the garbage bin icon. If the page you bookmarked is rather significant, put a notification on it so there would be a reminder when it has less than a day remaining.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Temporary Bookmarks Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Temporary Bookmarks Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Add actual page or any web links on actual page into temporary bookmarks. You can open these web links later.
Integrated bookmarks, tabs, and history manager. Change to your favorite colors to change your mood at work!
A Speed Dial in your toolbar, with easy set-up and 'key'board shortcuts
Your bookmarks in one place, organised, always only a click away.
Quick and compact access to your bookmarks.
Save a list of pages to read later.
A more efficient way to view and manage your bookmarks menu.
Let you quickly search through your bookmarks in a floating bookmarks bar. It can even show notifications with no.tify.
Enables you to save bookmarks super fast.
A simple bookmark manager for Chrome