Instead of measuring a pages performance based on Dom Interactive/Dom Content Ready or Page Load events. This extension takes a slightly alternative approach and measures it based on when a page reaches a frame rate of 60fps. This time normally aligns with when a page has finished doing all its loading, parsing and running of HTML, CSS and Javascript. Just load any page with the extension active and when the page reaches a constant 50-60fps over a full second it will then display the time it took to reach this constant frame rate in seconds. Only 5 digits can be displayed so accuracy may be lost for really slow pages. Clicking the icon will refresh the page. Some pages (such as chrome://extensions ) can not be scripted so the timing will never show up.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Time to 60fps Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Time to 60fps Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Simple Auto HD quality selector for YouTube. Up to 8k/4k (60fps/50fps/48fps/30fps) supported.
Your time is your life, this extension reminds you to use it wisely. Boost your performance and success.
Simple Auto HD quality selector for YouTube. Up to 8k/4k (60fps/50fps/48fps/30fps) supported. Theater mode.
This extension shows a current FPS(frames per second) on a web page.
Control FPS in your browser for testing, performance investigation or to stress your app with dropped frames.
Resize the window to 720p!
Chrome Extension for Fixing Highest Video Quality on YouTube.
Speed up your web browsing and get to where you're going faster.
Loads mobile version of sites to improve speed
Fix position:fixed by adding transform:translateZ(0) to element. For smooth scrolling with 60fps.