Tiny D20 Chrome Extension

Tiny D20 chrome extension

Tiny D20 for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    4K +
  • Reviewed by :
    94 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
  • ['True', 'camden']
Tiny D20 chrome extension is A tiny dice set that lives in your toolbar!.
 Arent you tired of wasting screen space with a whole window or webpage dedicated to a dice roller? With Tiny D20, a quick throw of the dice is just a click away. Currently works best for Dungeons and Dragons (D&D)-style games. Support for other RPGs coming soon!


➤ Clean, intuitive interface
➤ Easily add modifiers or change the number of rolls
➤ Support for all of the traditional dice: from d4 to d100
➤ Macros for your most common rolls
➤ View a breakdown of each roll, including the minimum and maximum roll
➤ Open-source! View the code here: https://github.com/camdenb/Tiny-D20


Coming Soon:
➤ Export/Import your macros
➤ Advanced rolls like '1d(1d4+2) * 4' or '(1d4)d(1d20) / 4' or even '1d(1d(1d(1d(1d(1d4)))))'


v3.0.3 Changelog:
➤ Fixed minor text-color issue
v3.0.2 Changelog:
➤ Fixed bug with recognizing when a roll was the minimum possible value
v3.0.1 Changelog:
➤ Removed extra debugging
➤ Fixed small formatting bug with macros
v3.0 Changelog:
➤ Rewrote the whole extension from the ground up for a better developer and user experience
➤ Fixed major bugs
v2.1 Changelog:
➤ Added a fancy roll animation, which you can toggle in the options menu
➤ A couple of bug fixes and tweaks
v2.0 Changelog:
➤ Macros!
➤ Better looking icons
➤ Added an options menu where you can configure Macros and the icon color
➤ Changed the results textarea into a beautiful table
➤ Results table now highlights 'natural rolls'(i.e. the minimum and maximum possible rolls)
➤ Dozens of bug-fixes and tweaks
@ ve beautiful icons to choose from d20 Options...

How to install Tiny D20 chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Tiny D20 Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore https://chrome.google.com/webstore or download the extension Tiny D20 Chrome Extension Download from https://pluginsaddonsextensions.com
  • Step 2: Now search for the Tiny D20 in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the Tiny D20 Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the Tiny D20 extension for your Chrome Web browser .

Tiny D20 Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to Tiny D20 Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the Tiny D20 Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download Tiny D20 chrome extension (CRX)

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