Do you hate long links, well then this is the extension for you. TinyURL Maker uses the TinyURL API to condense and shorten long URLs. Simple extension for making a small and easily shared link. It will shorten whatever website you are on currently. Completely Open Source: Feel Free to Add New Features etc. v 3.0 -Copy to Clipboard Functionality -Better UI (thx to github user noordawod) v 2.3.1 -Easier User Interface v 1.1 -Base Update
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the TinyURL Maker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the TinyURL Maker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
The best way to create short links using T.LY,, Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyUrl, and more!
Just click our extension icon on toolbar to shorten the URL of current page with url shortener service.
A one-click tool to generate a tiny URL ( from your current URL and automatically copy it to the clipboard.
TinyURL - Convert long website links to short
Create short, powerful links and QR Codes and share them with the world.
This extension creates a tinyurl for the current browser tab.
tinyurl by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help
Create and share short links using tinyurl,,,,, and also generate QR code for shortened Url