This extension uses to create a tiny URL from todays ridiculously enormous URLs that frequently fail when launching from email clients and other URI enabled software. With one click, the URL from your active tab will be sent to, returning the tiny URL directly in to your clipboard, ready for pasting. There is no extra clicking, and (optionally) no notifications. As soon as you click the icon, you can paste the tiny URL where you want it.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the TinyURL Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the TinyURL Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Just click our extension icon on toolbar to shorten the URL of current page with url shortener service.
TinyURL - Convert long website links to short
Creates a brand new TinyURL for the current tab that you are on!
Free and easy URL shortener to create short links in one click!
This extension creates a tinyurl for the current browser tab.
tinyurl by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help
Firelinks service to convert long URLs or Links of websites to short.
Create and share short links using tinyurl,,,,, and also generate QR code for shortened Url
Shorten links quick and easy