This addon allows to monitor the entire network calls of your browser across all windows and tabs. All requested URLs are displayed as filterable table in an extra window. New requests will be added immediately.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Traffic Analyser Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Traffic Analyser Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Searching text/code in HTML source while you navigate.
Inspect HTTP request headers, cookies, data, response Headers, cookies and add/modify request headers before sending requests
Inspect API calls extension
Monitor requests based on the your own rules and perform custom processing on them.
Monitor HTTP GET/POST requests. XML/JSON Viewer/Formatter for request and response body. REST Client: send GET/POST/PATCH requests.
Monitor, search your network requests, and download them easily
shows network usage of webpages when the browser doesn't
View a traffic summary for the pages you're most interested in.