The 'loading' icon for tabs in browsers only spins at first when the page is loaded. But even after that, web pages can do network IO via JavaScript in background without the user knowing. This extension highlights such network activity and shows a count of requests done till now by the page in a small indicator. Its updated in real-time for each tab. A lot of web pages use background network requests for tracking user actions and sending data to remote servers, lazily loading heavy assets etc., and all that goes unnoticed by the user. Ideally, the browsers 'loading icon' should spin for those requests as well. Uploaded to my account by request of the author. Go star his GitHub project here:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the netmonitor Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the netmonitor Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A graphical usage meter for displaying Internode broadband data usage.
Monitor and test Internet connectivity. Detect and log when Internet doesn't work even with operating LAN (Wi-Fi or Ethernet)
Hacker News Enhanced.
Displays Night Time Data on SLT usage meter.
Inspect HTTP request headers, cookies, data, response Headers, cookies and add/modify request headers before sending requests
Monitor requests based on the your own rules and perform custom processing on them.
Customizable And Programmable Web Data Monitor Framework
Extension to display current internet quota usage.
Monitor, search your network requests, and download them easily
Simple tool to monitor network calls across all windows and tabs of your browser.