Removes ads from TV3 Play by substituting the default player with Flowplayer. Known issue: subtitles dont work.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the tv3adblock Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the tv3adblock Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
View HLS m3u8, MPEG Dash, and SMIL manifests in Chrome with syntax highlighting.
Alters the Flinders University Online (FLO) video player.
Cast DR TV programs to your Chromecast easily!
Block ads seamlessly on popular websites.
Project Free TV brings you to an interstitial page before letting you continue to the video - this extension bypasses that page
This extension will help getting actual video URLs if you wish to play them in VLC
Wtyczka przywraca starą wersję playera serwisu (zastępuje JWPlayer przez zwykły player YouTube)
This extension warns you when Hulu ads are over
This extension adds maximum internet speed to the page on rightmove is a Chrome extension to clean Estonian sites of the banner overload (+some added treats). Currently supported sites: *…