You can use this extension anywhere as long as you provide a valid clip/VOD URL. If you have a clip/VOD open in your current tab, the extension will automatically fill in the URL field for you. Valid clip URLs examples Valid VOD URLs examples VOD URLs must always include a timestamp with hours, minutes and seconds, even if they are 0.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Twitch clip/VOD sync Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Twitch clip/VOD sync Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Live previews when hovering over streams on Twitch & YouTube | A bunch of quality of life improvements for TTV & YT
This extension adds indicators next to each streamer's name on Twitch that display the streamer's ranking in terms of revenue from…
TTV AdEraser aims to remove livestream ads as well as add some useful features to our favourite streaming site.
Simply generate links to other perspectives while watching Twitch clips and vods. Adds Express Vod to Twitch nav bar.
Replaces the standard twitch player with a custom one that supports DVR.
Alternate player of live broadcasts for website.
Twitch DVR adds DVR style controls to Twitch streams
Download Twitch VOD Segments
Automatic filtering and coloring for NoPixel streams on Twitch's GTA page!