Since Better Twitch TV added emojis to Twitch chat, there hasnt been a simple way to use them. You had to either go on twitter, copy them, go on your phone to post them, now you can easily do it all, without ever leaving Twitch. Open the emoji menu and you can easily search for the emojis, or just scroll til you find the one you want. Known bugs: * Button to active emoji may not appear, refresh if this happens. * Menu will stay if you change page (inside, again refresh if this happens. * If whispers are open and you use the emote menu, it will write in both whisper input and chat input, furthermore it will remove anything in the current chat input. ---- All these will be fixed in next update <3
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the twitchEmoji Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the twitchEmoji Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This nifty utility extension gives you the ability to input Twitch and BetterTTV emotes into chat. The emotes will be…
Insert the Kappa
Restores Legacy Chat
Catch links in fast moving twitch chat, moving them to a managable list for easy clicking!
Never again type your O's out on twitch! e.g N OMEGALUL or WH OMEGALUL, now - just type it normally and let us do the work for you!
Shows twitch viewercount in tab title
Make BTTV even Better! - Extension giving back freedom of usage of BTTV!
A combination of add-ons for the Twitch extension 'FrankerFaceZ'
Returns sodaG (and friends) to Twitch chat.
Condense Twitch Chat