This extension monitors Twitch chat, saving all links posted in chat to a separate list. Clicking the Twitch Links icon will show all captured links, allowing you to easily view and click them without fighting the tide of new chat posts coming in. Links will only be shown for the currently open twitch window/tab, but will be read in the background for all active tabs. Enjoy!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Twitch Links Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Twitch Links Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Simplify emojis on Twitch, with our emoji menu
Twitch culture wherever you go! This extension replaces all emote phrases with their actual emoticons.
Never again type your O's out on twitch! e.g N OMEGALUL or WH OMEGALUL, now - just type it normally and let us do the work for you!
Change font size, message spacing, and make chat easier to read. Especially if you're streaming
Shows twitch viewercount in tab title
Enhance your chat experience with highlights
Use a variety of ASCII-based emoticons on Twitch
Condense Twitch Chat
Individually highlight different types of users in chat with custom colors to make them stand out. Requires BetterTTV.