Download Up Url chrome extension. enables auto-parsing and navigation of current url and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Up Url Crx download for Chrome it is also called Up Url offline CRX for chrome Download. This Up Url is used to enables auto-parsing and navigation of current url
Add additional search engines to the selection context menu
Enables quick access to the backyard screen, 'chrome://' and 'about:' pages.
Go to parent address. Use Alt+Up to move up one level like in many file browsers.
A bookmark manager is automatically displayed in the state of tab fixation.
Go Back There
Adds the button Go Up into the page site.
This extension allows you to navigate any URL in a breadcrumb-like way.
Sequence Navigator Tools Based on Active URL
This extension displays an icon next to the cursor indicating the target of a link
Go to parent address. Use Alt+Up (Shift = +1, Ctrl = +2 levels) or click the icon (many times = many levels).