This extension makes labels column in Gmail resizable. Support all Gmail view type: new Gmail, original Gmail, with google chat or classic hangout, all supported. Features: - Detect Gmail type automatically. - Save the user setting label width and load it automatically when Gmail page loaded so you dont need to set it every time. What new in v.3.2: - Update with new Gmail layout change, - Fix conflict with Gmail Streak Extension.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the VetTools New Gmail Resizer Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the VetTools New Gmail Resizer Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Add notes to email threads in Gmail and Inbox.
Add tables to your emails
Set Gmail labels or Gmail filters as tabs
Set the format of the date and time for mails in your inbox as you want
This screen capturing extension to use in VetTools Screen Sharing function
Find an email in seconds with free preset filters
Shows full date/time in email listing and detail headers. Support custom date/time format.
The addon which reverse emails in conversation view.
Now you can resize the label column in Gmail
Automatically moves Gmail email attachments to the top of the email for a better experience