This extension shows what WaniKani level you need to be to read the page you are currently viewing. How to use this extension: 1) Go to a webpage that contains Japanese characters (kanji). 2) (Optional) Make a selection of one or more kanji. 3) Click the extension icon. 4) A pop-up will display with a list of characters grouped by WaniKani level.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the WaniKani reading ability checker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the WaniKani reading ability checker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Translate Japanese by hovering over words.
Enhanced Netflix subtitles for foreign language study
Displays a colored icon when reviews and lessons are ready on WaniKani
Notifies you when you have more to study on WaniKani! Now with HTTPS support!
Shows a random sentence in Japanese (filtered by Wanikani level) when a new tab is opened
Your favorite Japanese learning app at a click away.
Helps you read Japanese text
MSゴシック系フォントやArial Unicode MS等、読みにくいフォントをメイリオで置き換えて表示します。