Quickly look up Japanese words on any text page by activating the add-on from the toolbar (you may need to use the Extensions menu to pin the icon to the toolbar) or pressing Alt+R. Features: • Pitch accent information • Dictionaries that update automatically twice a week • Recognition of a wide range of grammatical forms and characters (e.g. 食べてた, 分からん, 知らん, じーちゃん, 頑張ろー, そーゆー, ぬ verbs, とく・どく forms, causative passive, vs-c verbs like 兼した, and characters like ㋕, ㌀, ㋿, ?沢, and many more) • Translation of Japanese numbers into Arabic numerals (e.g. 13億5千万 into 1,350,000,000) • Translation of yen amounts (e.g. 100億円, 8万8千円) into a local currency • Translation of Japanese-era years into Gregorian years (e.g. 昭和56年, 平成三十一年) • Translation between 畳/帖 measurements and square meters (e.g. 四畳半、12.6 帖、25 平米 etc.) • Translation of shogi moves (e.g. ☗8三銀引成) • Support for the widest range of Web content (Google docs, YouTube subtitles, vertical text, SVG images, hidden text etc.) • Support for non-English dictionaries (unfortunately no Japanese-Japanese dictionary is freely available yet) • Up-to-date kanji data including educational and kanji kentei levels, reworked kanji components etc. • Many settings to customize to your needs • Localization into Simplified Chinese and Japanese • Automatic preview of name entries when there is a better match in the name dictionary Version 1.18.0 changes • Made the puck persist its position, orientation, and active state between pages. • Updated the clipboard copy feature: ◦ Added a new setting to copy a simplified version of the entry that may be more suitable for making flashcards etc.. ◦ Definitions are now separated by line breaks. ◦ Rare headwords are excluded from the result unless we matched on them. • Fixed a case of 10ten not looking up text with ruby correctly in Ttsu reader. • Stopped popup being inverted when Wikipedias experimental dark mode is enabled. Version 1.17.1 fixes • Fixed support for Google Docs. • Improved rendering of source language information. • Added localization and handling for new rk (rarely-used kana form) tag. Version 1.17 includes • Added option to show Bunpro vocabulary and grammar labels next to words. • Added localizations for newly-introduced field tags. • Fixed slow lookup for long text spans. Version 1.16.1 includes • Enabled Manifest Version 3 • Made the options page show up in a new tab • Lookup fixes ◦ Fixed recognition of words that end in half-width numerals like 小1 ◦ Added parsing for ill-formed numbers like 39,800万円 ◦ Made matches on search-only headwords show the search-only version too (e.g. 磨ガラス, ペイチン) ◦ Hid the 'usually kana' annotation when no kanji headwords are shown ◦ Added ability to recognize (deinflect) a few more irregular verbs like ございません and くださいます • Keyboard fixes ◦ Added handling to avoid the x key being assigned to both closing the popup and expanding it • Other bug fixes ◦ Fixed the popup changing width in some cases (e.g. when tabs are hidden and scrollbars are configured to always show) Version 1.15.0 includes • Collapsed popup window to only show the most relevant results by default ◦ You can restore the old behavior by choosing 'Expand all entries → Words' from the settings screen ◦ You can view other entries by scrolling the popup window or by expanding it to show all entries by clicking the downward triangle button or pressing x on the keyboard • Popup shows kanji details for all kanji in the longest matched word • Setting for changing the font size of the popup • Options page support for dark mode • Option to disable looking up words by tapping on them on touchscreen devices • WaniKani level data. This can be enabled from the options page under the 'Popup style' and 'Kanji dictionary' sections. • Handling for kanji incorrectly encoded as radicals • Handling of pages with
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the 10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp) Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the 10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp) Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Adds pitch accent information to entries in the online Japanese-English Dictionary at jisho.org
Convert japanese text (kanji, kana) to latin (roumaji)
Quickly search on Jisho.org
rikaikun shows the reading and English definition of Japanese words when you hover over Japanese text in the browser.
Inserts Furigana in Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji.
Learn kanji everyday: get a random kanji when you open a new tab.
Toggle furigana on and off.
Helps you read Japanese text