This is a little geeky web data monitoring software, If you know the Javascript programming language and the jQuery library, Then you can monitor any web page or API data changes through this extension, It can implement functions such as stock price reminders, merchandise discount reminders, dramas or comics update reminders, RSS update reminders, live broadcast notifications, new email reminders, website daily check-in, and more. User Guide:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Web Data Monitor Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Web Data Monitor Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Tracking website updates, get instant alerts via notification, emails, webhook
Create automatic monitors for detecting and scanning changes on web pages.
Stays in the background and monitors web pages for changes.
Monitor webpage or feed for changes. Get SMS and email alerts on change detection.
Helps to monitor changes on different web-pages, notifies about changes
shows network usage of webpages when the browser doesn't Chrome Extension. Ultimate solutions for tracking changes. You'll love it.