Select the file you wish to convert & we’ll do the job for you. Choose the relevant archive format & keep the high quality of the original files. Finally, you can free up space on your desktop! By clicking 'Add to chrome', I accept and agree to install this extension. For more information visit our website: About - To review our Terms of use, go to: EULA - Privacy -
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Zip Rar Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Zip Rar Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Easily open desired links in Winzip
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Easily open APK links in BlueStacks
Converter365 is a free and universal tool with more than 1000 different conversions for you to choose from.
This extension extends the capabilities of Chrome Dev tools.
Extract multi-format archive files with ease! It helps you to extract from archive files (7z,zip,tar..) and view the files easily.
Open a local and remote ZIP, RAR, 7Z, or any other archive format to extract all files or selected ones without any dependencies
View & extract any zip file via an easy-to-use UI right in your browser!
Extract zipped files and compress files with ease!
Basic Statistics of Radio icecast y shoutcast(v1 and v2)