主要功能: 1. 收藏采集图片:支持拖拽图片收藏、悬停图片+快捷键S,等多种快捷方式。 2. 多图批量采集:一键收藏页面上的多张图片。 3. 查找相似图:支持右键菜单、悬停图片+快捷键C,等多种快捷方式。 4. 网页截图:支持自定义截取部分,或整个网页(整页截图有高度上限)。 5. 网页图片放大浏览:鼠标悬停,放大显示网页上的图片。 6. 大作返利:在淘宝、天猫商品页上,显示返利金额,下单或分享都有返利。 7. 自定义开关:可按您的需求或上网习惯,随时自由开启或关闭任一功能。
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the 大作采集器 Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the 大作采集器 Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Quickly and easily manage your design materials-so you have more time to focus on the design itself.
Web media sniffing tool
Reverse image search
This extension makes it easy to save images and save screenshots to Eagle App.
A bilingual translation extension that delivers a native reading experience at the Click of a button.
An image extractor for sniffing, analyzing and batch downloading images from web page.
This is a browser plugin for developers, cross-border workers, and research institutes to secure and speed Internet surfing.