Difree - distraction-free text editor Chrome Extension

Difree - distraction-free text editor chrome extension

Difree - distraction-free text editor for Chrome Download

Difree - distraction-free text editor chrome extension is Difree is distraction-free text editor to calmly write something meaningful..

Difree is distraction-free text editor to calmly write something meaningful..
⯈ ... can open it in a second and jot what's on your mind,

⯈ ... or write a longer, thoughtful piece of text, e.g. reply to e-mail in Gmail, respond on Reddit or post of Facebook.

⯈ You are not distracted. It's just You and Your writing, thanks to a distraction-free design.

⯈ You don't have to remember to save your work. Difree autosaves your writing.

⯈ You can copy to clipboard rich text, plain text and markdown version of your writing.

⯈ You can use difree on any Chromium-based browsers, such as Chrome, Opera, Brave, Edge or Vivaldi, on MacOS or Windows.

★ How does difree help, exactly? ★

⯈ With Difree, you get focused

⭢ Our goal is to create a calm and distraction-free writing space.

⭢ Whether you want to write a longer e-mail in Gmail, start a thread on Reddit, post something meaningful on Facebook, or reply on Twitter - Difree is there for you.

⭢ No more distractions - just a blank page, simple and elegant text editor and you with your thoughts.

⭢ difree works offline, too. So disconnect from Internet, if you need more focus.

⯈ With Difree, you get comfy

⭢ Our goal is to create a simple and elegant writing space.

⭢ Anytime you want to write something, your comfy and beautiful text editor is ready to be used among millions of websites, text areas and forms.

⭢ No more fuzzy text editor or pages that force you to write in a single line (thank you, Facebook Messenger!). You have got all the space you require.

⯈ With Difree, you get private

⭢ Our goal is to create a private and safe writing space.

⭢ What you are writing is none of our business. We don't know what you are writing and what you are doing with your browser. We want to know as little as possible about you.

⭢ No more dirty privacy compromises. We know, there are analytical scripts inside the website or extensions that, under the guise of being helpful, collect and analyze what's written in text fields. We don't do that, and we help to prevent from doing that.

Check our privacy policy and see what we know about you. If you have any questions, considering privacy, drop us a line: [email protected].

★ Privacy practices ★

⯈ What is the single purpose of the extension?

We want to help user writing by showing overlay with rich text editor and creating distraction-free environment

⯈ permission justification - Storage

The content of the editor is saved locally for later usage. We don't have access to the content.

⯈ Permission justification - Tabs

The extension requires tabs title property. It is used to identify a tab which has been opened by the extension. Thanks to that, we limit number of instances of Difree to one. We want Difree to open in one instance, no matter how many times you attempt to open it. We can offer better autosave logic. Furthermore, we don't know what tabs you open.

⯈ Permission justification - ContextMenus

The extension offers creating a note directly from the visiting page through context menu. The note contains the URL and the title of the website. We need that, so you get the URL and title.

⯈ Do we use remote code?

No, we don't use remote code

★ We need your feedback ★

How do you find Difree? What's good and what's missing? How can we help you more?

Email us at [email protected] and tell us.

★ changelog ★

More: https://www.getdifree.com/changelog/

⭢ 0.5.3 – 2022-07-30

# Changed

Minor changes in feedback mechanism

⭢ 0.5.2 – 2022-07-23

# Changed

1. Minor changes in feedback mechanism

2. Minor changes in interpreting Markdown syntax

3. Minor changes in Welcome page

⭢ 0.5.1 – 2022-06-22

# Changed

1. Minor changes in interpreting Markdown syntax

2. Minor changes in Welcome Page content

⭢ 0.5.0 – 2022-06-19

# Added

1. Added option to copy text into Clipboard in Markdown

# Changed

1. Minor changes in HTML version of text copied into Clipboard

⭢ 0.4.0 – 2022-05-15

# Added

1. Added the blue dot on Feedback icon

2. added blockquote type of formatting

# Changed

1. Changed the look of Feedback pop-up

2. Minor changes in the look of Difree

⭢ 0.3.5 – 2022-04-18

# Added

1. Added the button to upload the image

2. Added the button to adjust the paragraph (adjust to right, center, left or justify)

3. Added the analytical events for buttons

# Changed

1. Changed the font type to Inter

2. Changed the font's design

3. Changed the text in Welcome Page

⭢ 0.3.4 – 2022-04-10

# Added

Added icon of Difree in context menu – the menu appears when right mouse button is clicked. The icon of Difree in context menu opens difree with a Note containing the title and the URL of the page.

⭢ 0.3.3 – 2022-03-07

# Changed

1. Changed the logic, when a new note is added – to improve the flow

2. Improved the design in opened note – to improve the look and extend the editorial space

3. Improved the design on Toggle Peak

4. Improved the design of Editor

⭢ 0.3.2 – 2022-01-28

# Changed

1. Changed the logic, when a new Note is added - to improve the flow

2. Improved the design in opened Note - to improve the look and extend the editorial space

3. Improved the design on Toggle Peak

4. Improved the design of Editor

⭢ 0.3.2 – 2022-01-28

# Added

1. Button `Save to Note` – to make possible to save current text as a note and come back to it later

2. Button `Toggle Peek` to turn on / off the preview of saved notes – to make possible to access saved texts, edit or delete them

# Changed

1. Increased space between the lines in paragraph – to make the text more readable

2. Increased space between the paragraphs – to make the text more readable

3. Design of buttons – to make the buttons more readable

4. Increased the memory extension can use – to make possible to save more and longer texts

# Removed

1. Heading 2 and heading 3 styles from text formatting menu – to make the menu more readable

⭢ 0.3.1

We focused our efforts on resolving the issues with opening more than one instance of Difree.

⭢ 0.2.9

We focused our efforts on:

1. building feedback solution for people using difree,

2. implementing dedicated framework.

We added a way to easily feedback us or ask question. In the bottom-right corner, there's a question mark button. When clicked, it opens a popup where you can send feedback.

We changed framework, we build Difree. This will help us easily introduce new views in Difree, which we definitely will do, as we have plans to add more useful features.

⭢ 0.2.8

1. We focused our efforts on improving your experience in Difree and getting to know better how Difree performs.

2. add clear button

- The button helps you to clear the editor from text; instead of selecting all text and deleting it, use Clear button

3. Add Introduction to Difree

- When you install Difree, it opens with short introduction of the features.

4. Add statistics

- We implement tracking statistics. We have done it because we would like to know what's working and what's not in Difree, to improve Difree.

- We collect following events: open of Difree, time spent in Difree, click on buttons Copy, Clear and Close.

- We use Matomo to gather the data, and we have full control of the data.

- We still DON'T know what you write, and we DON'T want to. We prefer the approach 'your data is none of our business'. Our privacy policy is pretty strict about it, the privacy of your data — and it is your data, not ours! — is a big deal to us. Here's a link to our privacy policy: https://www.getdifree.com/privacy-policy/

⭢ 0.2.7

- Small fixes in the look of extension

- Add the possibility to work offline

⭢ 0.2.6

1. Redesign the look of extension

- We increased the area of writing space

- We improved extension's responsiveness

- We changed the color of text editor's background and buttons

- We changed the way the header menu looks like

2. redesign text style

- We changed text style to Arial, regular, 22pt, with letter spacing 4%, with paragraph spacing 12pt

3. Add Full-screen mode

- We added an icon to expand text editor to Full-screen mode.

4. Add Undo / Redo mode

- We added icons to undo or redo changes.

5. add copy button

- We added `Copy button`, which copies text to the clipboard.

6. Add a method of coping to clipboard simplified formatted text

- Text is copied in two versions: plain text and simplified rich text.

- When pasting text, it pastes in plain text or simplified rich text, depends on the place where text is pasted. It helps to keep formatting consistent when pasting text.

⭢ 0.2.5

- release first version of Difree

How to install Difree - distraction-free text editor chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Difree - distraction-free text editor Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore https://chrome.google.com/webstore or download the extension Difree - distraction-free text editor Chrome Extension Download from https://pluginsaddonsextensions.com
  • Step 2: Now search for the Difree - distraction-free text editor in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the Difree - distraction-free text editor Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the Difree - distraction-free text editor extension for your Chrome Web browser .

Difree - distraction-free text editor Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to Difree - distraction-free text editor Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the Difree - distraction-free text editor Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download Difree - distraction-free text editor chrome extension (CRX)

Tags: Elegant Text Editor , Dirty Privacy Compromises , Undo Redo Mode , Question Mark Button , Changed Text , Added Blockquote Type , Button Save , Use Remote Code , Distractionfree Writing Space , Writing Space , Text Editor , Button Toggle Peek ,

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