Add any page to Google Bookmarks from the context menu (right-click). Selected text will be used as a bookmark note. No extra buttons at the tool bar. Simple ;)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Add to Google Bookmarks (context menu) Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Add to Google Bookmarks (context menu) Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Integrated bookmarks, tabs, and history manager. Change to your favorite colors to change your mood at work!
Sync from Google Bookmarks
A Speed Dial in your toolbar, with easy set-up and 'key'board shortcuts
Bookmark a link by right-clicking on it
Right-click on one link and add it to your Bookmarks folder.
Use bookmarks and bookmarklets from the context menu.
This extension displays a list of your bookmarks filtered by instant search. That's it.
Easily add bookmarks to any category. Includes spotlight-like search with mouse/'key'board support. Default 'key': cmd+b (win:ctrl+b)
Adds links to bookmarks via the contextmenu.
Enables you to save bookmarks super fast.